3D printing is a process in which a digital file is turned into a three-dimensional object, usually by laying down many thin layers of filament material by using a special printer. Many 3D printed objects can assist people with disabilities in all types of environments including residential, educational, employment, and recreational.
The Novi Public Library’s iCube Makerspace in collaboration with the Friends of the Novi Public Library are pleased to offer a FREE 3D Printed Assistive Device upon request. Please note:
- Only 1 printed item requested per month
- The colors choices can change based on availability
- Samples are available to try out before submitting an order. If you'd like to do so,
please visit the iCube makerspace during staffed hours.
- There are no residency restrictions
Once your 3D print is finished, you will be notified, and the item can be picked up from the iCube Makerspace.