Material Donations
You can help the Library by donating books and music that are recent and in good condition. Items less than 5 bags/boxes may be dropped off in the Library vestibule during regular hours of operation. Donations of 5 bags/boxes or more can be dropped off only by appointment through the Facilities Department. To set up an appointment, call: 248-869-7209 or 248-869-7219.
Do not place donations in the drive-up return slots - these are for library materials ONLY.
We are unable to accept older materials or items in poor condition, including things that are mildewed, musty, stained, torn, missing pages or damaged in other ways.
We do not accept:
- DVDs/Blu-rays
- Magazines
- Textbooks
- Encyclopedias
- VHS tapes
- Cassette tapes
- Readers Digests
For more information, please call the Library.
All donated items become the property of the Library and cannot be returned to the donor. Whenever possible, we add these materials to the Library's collections. Items not needed by the Library may be given to the Friends of the Library for their use.
Donate Money
Donate money to purchase resources in an area of need at the library. This donation can, if desired, be made in honor or memory of a special person in your life. Further information, and the necessary form to make a gift or memorial donation, can be downloaded by clicking here.
The Novi Public Library accepts cash, check (payable to Novi Public Library), VISA, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. Credit card information can be provided over the phone by calling 248-869-7204, or you can donate through PayPal by clicking the DONATE button.
Matching Donation
Request a matching donation from your place of work when you make a donation to the Novi Public Library.