The Friends operate a used book store called The Book Nook which is just off to the right of the Main Library Entrance across from the stairs. It is open anytime the Library is open. It is staffed with a volunteer several hours most days. When a volunteer is working, they can make change for you and you can purchase items from the glass cases. Otherwise you can pay for your book purchases by dropping cash or a check into the Honor Box. The Honor Box is attached to the wall adjacent to the entrance of the Book Nook.

Book Nook Glass Case Request Process

If you wish to purchase or view an item from the locked glass case and a Book Nook volunteer is not available, please fill out the Book Nook Request Form located on the counter and place it in the plastic bin. Once a volunteer is available, they will put your requested item on the hold shelf, so you may come in at your convenience to look at and/or buy the item. They will contact you once the item is available on the hold shelf. Once contacted, you will have one week to look at and/or buy the item.

Book Nook Price List

Merchandise Price
Newer Fiction & Nonfiction $2 and up
Hardcover Fiction & Nonfiction $1
Oversized Softcover Fiction & Nonfiction $1
Standard Paperbacks $0.50
Large Children & Youth Hardcover $1
Children's Golden Books $0.50
Children and Youth Softcover $0.50
Books on CD $1 and up
Music CDs $1
DVDs $2

Newer Fiction and Non-Fiction, Specialty and Gift Quality Books - price as marked.