Read It!

For middle and high school students and adults. Helps to build reading skills and improve study habits. Includes tests.

Read Michigan

Read Michigan LogoA cooperative effort between Library of Michigan and the presses of University of Michigan, Michigan State University, and Wayne State University has launched a unique collection of regional eBooks available to all residents of Michigan.

The statewide eBook collection consists of 300+ eBooks published by local university presses about Michigan and the Great Lakes region.

Reference Latina

MEL Logo
Spanish-language resource. Covers academic and non-academic subjects. Offers content from reference books, general interest magazines, health reports, and other sources. Daily updates from a dozen newspapers from ten Latin American countries and more than 2,500 health reports.


Reference Latina

Spanish-language resource. Covers academic and non-academic subjects. Offers content from reference books, general interest magazines, health reports, and other sources. Daily updates from a dozen newspapers from ten Latin American countries and more than 2,500 health reports.

Referencia Latina

Referencia Latina

Regional Business News

MEL LogoRegional business publications for the United States and Canadian provinces to 1990. Includes newspapers, radio and television news transcripts, trade publications, magazines, and newswires.